Burnt Alive
Suad (Suad is a fake name, the author doesn't use her real name because she could be recognized )
Suad lives in a country where all women can do is work for their masters: men. So when she remains pregnant without being married ( the worst thing a women could do) her male relatives decide to burn her alive. So, her brother-in-law pours gasoline on her and burns her. Suad doesn’t know what to do: she runs, she tries to protect herself with her hands but she can’t move properly because her skin is “melting”. Luckily, Suad saves herself. A group of Europeans interrupt “ the burning ” , bring her to a hospital where she gets 27 operations done. Despite the 27 operations, her skin is still burned and ruined permanently.
Then, these Europeans bring her to Europe. Here, she marries and she has a relatively nice life. However, she is forced to wear a white mask that covers and protects her burnt and ruined face. She desperately needs this mask , because if the people of her village recognize her, they will try to kill her again.

This was an awasome entry! I liked very, very much reading it, it was supposed to be a really good book!
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